Monday, January 16, 2017

Sister to a special needs brother.

Being a sibling of a special needs brother isn't always easy. I thought today I would tell you about our daughters life through my eyes. Our son didn't walk until 2 weeks before his 3rd birthday. My husband and I had decided that if he didn't walk we wouldn't have any more children, I knew he would take all my time. But he did walk and the following July, Baby Girl was on her way. My pregnancy with her was such a worry, they sent to OB right away and put  me on the high risk list just because of everything that went wrong with our sons delivery. So lots of appointments, tests and ultrasounds on top of His long list of appointments and 5 months in to my pregnancy with her, his seizures started. A scary time for all. In March I was scheduled for a c-section and on March 27, 2008 our sweet perfect Baby Girl was born. My delivery again was not as easy as I thought, I had no/low blood pressure another very scary delivery for my husband. I do remember him crying and telling me she's here and she's big and chubby.(which her brother wasn't he was very small and was whisked away before we saw him). She was the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen and she was healthy. She wasn't a great baby she cried unless I was holding her and we joke that she cried till she was 3. The funny thing is whenever something went wrong with her brother she was the perfect baby just slept through if we had to call 911, or when my dad and moms friend had to stay with her while we rushed to the hospital. She has stayed a lot with Nana while I take her brother to appointments even though I felt bad for leaving her, her and Nana are so very close. Now that she is older she comes with us and we make a day out of appointments usually with some shopping her favourite thing to do. We did try to have another child but I wasn't able to get past 12 weeks in 4 more pregnancies after our daughter I now realize I truly have the most wonderful children in the 2 I have and are so blessed to have them................So My daughter is my handy helper. She will have her brother shoes tied and coat zipped before I even ask, she makes him breakfast if I'm working down stairs. She is my eyes and ears sometimes. He still needs help with bathroom issues and she will come find me if she hears him calling me. When walking she grabs his hand if mine are busy or directs him to stand where it's safe while they wait for me to pay ect at the store. Things I don't ask her to do she just does. This is funny cause he's 5'6" tall for his age and she is short for her age. Lol. They are truly best friends. We know someday she will pass her brother we see it already. She has friends and goes over to play or they come here but she's always happy to come home and tell him all about it and happy to tell her friends about her brother. It's not easy sometimes for her as our house revolves around him but her and I have girl night once a week and on her padays do something special just her and I. The thing is our daughter doesn't know any different she was born into this life and loves her brother with all her heart she would do anything for him and I think probably always will. She makes me so proud everyday. Last week walking home from school Our son was with us and these three kids were staring at him. I could see it was bothering her when we got home and he was in the other room I asked her why it bothered her she said "just because he's not like them doesn't mean he's not a person" 😢 what an amazing child she is!! She is the worlds best daughter and sister anyone could have and I'm so lucky to be her Momma. 💕💕💕

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