Friday, January 13, 2017


Epilepsy is a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.............................Just before our son turned 4 his seizures started. I was 5 months pregnant with our daughter. It was the scariest time of our lives. They put him on meds right away that first year was lots of appointments med changes and a new baby. When our baby girl was 3 weeks old we found our son unresponsive on the living room floor he had had a tonic clonic that was his first ride in the ambulance. Three more times after that time we had to call 911 also. Very scary. It took a little while to get meds right but he hasn't had a tonic clonic since 2009. 2 years ago his meds weren't working and even though we didn't see the seizures physically he was having them all the time. So it was time to change meds, except the med change wasnt right and he had a reaction to the new medication so we had to try another. Which has worked great!! This year we had to up the meds at night and I'm wondering if will have to up them more. I can tell when they aren't enough. Our lives revolve around pill time in the morning and night. The whole house rings with alarms. Lol. I have to say I still hate that he has epilepsy and it still scares me. I sleep with a baby monitor so I can hear him and check on him 2 times a night at least. When I'm away whoever has him usually texts me PILL DONE so I can relax and have a good time. Once I said to my mom I can't do this and she said you have to, you have no choice and so I do, we all do. Everyday I'm so thankful to have our son and to have our daughter my trusty side kick. 💕

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