Monday, January 2, 2017

A day in our life.......

I had someone ask for me to post a day in our life, so here it goes.........
Our days start differently every week because my husband works shifts, he works 7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm or 11pm-7am switching every week. So its up to me to do the day to day stuff

6:20am I get up and get myself going for the day

6:45am our son gets up with his alarm heads to the bathroom, this is when I know if its a good day or not, if he says good morning ok its a good day, if he mumbles about going to school and he's tired well not such a great day.  I put his clothes out for him and he gets dressed without socks, we do that after. I make his breakfast and if he's not done getting dressed I help him finish, we are on a time line.  He eats his breakfast, washes his face and brushes his teeth while I clean up his dishes.

7:30am I give him his meds, put his sock, brace, boots, coat, hat and mitts, give him a big hug and kiss wish him a good day even if he's grumpy and he always say "have a good day too mom" and out the door he goes to catch the bus.  He has a little under an hours bus ride to school.

From the time he gets to school till the time he leaves school he's busy with regular class, gym, swim, music, life skills, orientation and mobility, French, every week is the same, they are very scheduled.

After he gets on the bus I start again, our daughter gets up has breakfast, gets washed up, gets dressed, we do her hair, make lunch all the things you do before school.

8:50 am. I walk her to school

9:10am back home from the school and I start either my house duties, groceries, errands  or I go down to start my work day of hairstyling. I work Tuesday evening, Wednesday and Thursdays while they are at school and Saturday morning.  If Dads on afternoons then my parents pick kids up after school for supper and bath time so I can work straight through the evening, this is up to dad on Tuesdays when he's home.

3:25pm I walk back to the school to get our daughter from school, we come home put all school things away and start supper, either dad is on way home, just getting up or at work.

4:30pm our son gets home, he is usually tired and after washing up lays on his bed till supper, he needs this time by himself to re energize.

5:00pm we eat supper which is usually a 3 course meal, my husband always says I dont have to make a supper like that everyday, what about hotdogs and beans lol NO I didn't eat like that as a child and either are my children. Don't get me wrong we have hotdogs once and awhile but for the most part we have a salad, meat, a potato or rice, veg and if you eat everything a dessert. Some of our recipes I will be posting on the blog.

After supper its clean up time which both kids help with, if you set the table you dont have to clear it, they are in charge of emptying the dishwasher, taking out the recycling and feeding the dog, as well as making their beds every morning and cleaning rooms, most chores get done Saturday mornings while I work.  I think its important for them to have chores, if I dont teach them how to do things, how will they know those things when they are older. Just cause he has a disability doesn't mean he doesn't have the ability to learn and work

6:30pm showers start, he usually does his own shower I still have to help him after use of the toilet but mostly he's independent. She need help with her hair but is fairly independent as well as much as an 8 year old can do.

After we are all cleaned up the kids play together or watch some tv.

7:30 pill time the alarms all go off, its very important for an epileptic to have their meds on time he takes different doses in the morning and at night.

8:00 our daughter reads to me, I read to her and she is in bed at 8:30

8:45 our son reads to me, I read to him and he is in bed at 9:00

I tidy up and head to bed too, and that is a day in our life, that's a good day normal day without appointments or after school activities , bad days are very different but those get farther and farther apart as he gets older.  Probably not much different then anyone else's just a little more to it.

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