Friday, January 20, 2017


Lately I have been wondering why life seems to be going so fast.  It occurred  to me that every season moves into the next and we really never get a break.  They put Christmas stuff out with Halloween, valentine's out right after we are out of Christmas and I saw some Easter out the other day also, we are only in January.  So I see why we are always looking at the next thing instead of just enjoying where we are. When my kids ask what's next lately I've been saying lets just live for  today lets not wish our life away.

These future thoughts have been in my head a lot lately with our son.  What will the future hold for him?  Where will he live? With us, on his own or in assistant living??  Will he have a job? Get married? Have children?  All questions that probably the answer is no, but we can always be hopeful.

The last couple of weeks Ive asked those questions a lot because I have been noticing a change in him, he doesn't seem to be progressing and maybe a little of regressing. Speech has been awful with a lot of stuttering, he seems to be at a slower pace all together and processing thoughts takes a long time.  But he has been off his schedule with Christmas break and snow days so this is really his first week of school. We keep thinking once he's back on schedule maybe things will get better............

And if they dont well that means a call to his neurologist. Which to be honest opens another can of worms.  I have a meeting with the school to see if they are noticing. His respite worker has noticed it too. Is it seizure activity, hormones, low iron or something else??  What ever it is we will deal with it as always. Because no matter what it is we are his family and we will do anything in our power to make him a happy, healthy, and as independent as he can be person.

So instead of thinking about the future, his future I'm going to try to live in the now and help him with that, and as the days go on we will figure out what to do and how to do it.

When your in the store next skip the valentines isle skip the Easter isle and just live in the here and now because if we keep looking for the next we will be back at Christmas wondering where the year went. 💜

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