Monday, March 13, 2017

Fixable Problems

The Winter Blues have done a number on me this year. I have wanted to stay in and be a hermit. Most of all though I have kind of been having a pity party for myself. I can usually get that way once and awhile but only for a day or two and then life goes on, but this time its been a hard hole to climb out of.  All those little things seem to have built up so much that they all seem to hit me at once.  Talking to people as I do with my job, I dont feel I'm the only one who feels this way.  You know what has gotten me so upset though, are those people who complain so much about their situation, but do nothing about it and those situations are usually very fixable.

My New Years resolution was to not worry about others and only live for the 4 people under my roof.  So I have tried to keep that up, not an easy task. People dont like it when you change and do for yourself. But as I have tried to step back I realize, those people probably mean more to me then me to them.  I dont see then texting me or stopping by, I was always doing the running or listening.

We in this house have a few non fixable issues, I have had a hard time with thinking of the future, but know I need to get things started to make the future as good as possible. As I was driving the other day, I felt I had to talk to someone, I pulled over and called the one person who would listen to me, not fix things or sweep them under the carpet, but truly listen to me while I cried and screamed, that one person who "gets it" the person that I dont always go to because I dont want to burden them with more worries, and specially not to worry about me the strong, mothering, take care of everyone person I am.  But that one person tis truly my best husband.

We have had lots of bumps in the road over the last 22 years, but realizing this last year that I could of lost him forever has made me a better wife, and I seem to be able to confide in him more then ever.  And when we have a fixable problem we seem to work together to fix it. The other issues,  as he always tells me will work out in the end. Maybe just maybe me walking away from others problems have made he walk back to him and our family, after all on my headstone someday it wont say,

Janelle Gatti
Helps others and takes care of everyone.

It will say................................

Janelle Gatti
Wife and Mother.

Remember to look real hard at your problems and see if they are fixable.........................

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