Monday, February 20, 2017


I dont think people realize what goes into being a mom of a special needs child. Doctors appointments are a huge part of our lives. We know how long it takes to get from home to the ER, its 43 mins from our door to the ER door for us.

Doctor appointments aren't in our town, we travel to see the doctors our son needs, we go to two different cities both 45-60 mins away. It's never an in and out thing, its an all day adventure.

In the next 6 weeks we will be going to the eye doctor twice, he's having an EEG, a neurologist appointment, a orthopaedic doctor, and probably be referred to see a upper limb doc due to him repeatedly dislocating his shoulder.  He also has school, massage, dentist, respite and bowling in those 6 weeks. Oh ya and its March Break during this time. Thats just him, we do have a daughter that needs me too and who will most likely be keeping Nana company for some of those appointments.

It will be an overload of information as I'm going to get some answers with these appointments , I feel sometimes he gets shoved to the side, I hear a lot "well that comes with cerebral palsy"or "he has epilepsy", not good enough anymore I need to know exactly what's happening and get him what he needs. I'm going to one of the appointments with a lot of info, speech assessment, school report, physio and OT assessment, which has all been organized through me, so there will be no stone left unturned. I have to fight for him who else will??

Because of my husbands work schedule, I do all appointments by myself, he cant take off 6 days in 6 weeks to go with me. But by the time I get home I dont feel like talking so I feel as he misses out on all that was said. I usually call him (when he is available), my mom and sister as soon as we get out just to get it off my chest.

Many of appointments I cry all the way home, he sits in the back on his ipad so he cant see me. I just need this venting so when we get home I can be a more focused mommy to both of my children.  I dont ever book anything after our appointments because we are both exhausted. Info is exhausting, getting in and out of the car and getting to where we need to be in exhausting, driving is exhausting. You get the point.

So as we get through the 6 weeks of March and April I will be glad to see the end of it but happy to have the info I need to support and take care of what he needs at this time.

People always tell me God only gives you what you can handle, well God no more appointments for a little while please. Lol.

Enjoy your day everyone, remember to be kind to one another, you never know what others are going through!! 💕💕

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