Monday, February 6, 2017

Real Life

 All my blogs have not been so people could feel sorry for us, they have been for awareness and education. We are not looking for pity, we are looking for acceptance. He is not a burden to us, he's been the biggest blessing. I'm not looking to get anything out of this, except to show you how to accept and include people with different abilities. In the crazy world we live in these are somethings that I have wondered if people think. Seems like people see the glass half empty not half full. It's sad we focus on the bad not the good. Well I have been taught there is so much good, I can't believe anyone would be interested in my little family but you all have been. It makes my heart grow to know@ people truly care about a family they dont even know. I once was asked if I could give him a pill to make him "normal" would I???? I would NOT he is who he is and I wouldn't change that for the world. What is "normal" anyways??  I'm sure I dont fit in the "normal" category do you? We often get told "but he looks normal" well what is a disablilty suppose to look like?? I dont understand these questions he is my son and even if he had 6 eyes, two heads, eight legs he would still be my son and I would love him with all of my heart and soul. So next time you maybe think about saying something to or about someone, remember if you say it, you cant take it back. All people have feelings and feelings can get hurt. Remember to open your mind and heart to all people just not the ones that look "normal".

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