Monday, November 6, 2017

The Binder

The Binder,

 The binder goes to all appointments with our son, its the binder of so much information. Medical , school, specialist information.  From birth to now. Sometimes its hard to go back to those first years of the unknown.  This week we are in the process of a physchoeducational assessment to see were he is at, what stage he is mentally. This helps with the transition for Gr 9 next year and the placement.

We know he has a cognitive  delay but this will give us a better understanding. This isn't the first time at age 6 we had one done so we could hold him back for another year of SK he wasn't ready to go on the Gr 1 at that time. It also helps get the resources needed easier for a successful schooling. But now that he's older and doesn't see to be progressing any longer its important to get this done to prepare him for the future.

We know there will be one more done before he leaves high school to move on to his adult future and have that transition go smoothly as well. People dont realize how much special needs parents have to fight, stand up and go through to get the services and help our children need. It's not something you can't skip out on. It's a fight everyday to be their voice to get what they need.

As he gets older I thought things would get easier but I feel like they are harder, I often wonder if its because I'm older or is it because I have done this fight for 14 years and many many more to go. I guess some of it is because you always hope for the best in the future, maybe he will catch up maybe he will be fine but in the end its what they tell you at the beginning. I often say that I'm exhausted, but I dont mean physically but mentally and somedays I cant mentally take much BS from others. I always try to turn everything into a positive spin. Someone else is dealing with way more then us and I'm so glad to be his mom. And you know what life would be pretty boring without hills and valleys.

So off we go to our next appointment carrying his binder full of facts about him, I think maybe its time for a bigger binder or maybe a bag to carry it in, as we will have much more to put in there from this stage to the rest of his life. Just think when I'm gone someone else will have all the information they need to help him just from the info in THE BINDER how many can say that??

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