Monday, December 26, 2016


Hi. Welcome to my blog. So this all started with me starting to ask people to send my son a card for his 13 birthday on facebook. He has special needs and I wanted to make his 13th special and it truly was with over 1450 cards coming in the mail. It was amazing.  People shared it, then a fb page started where I then started to blog about our lives and here I now am starting my own "real" blog. I'm going to write about being a mom, being a mom to a special needs child, I also love to cook and bake so there will be recipes and some diy projects. I'm really excited about this adventure and I hope you'll follow my posts. My first posts will be from the fb page so you get to know a little about our lives.  I'm not a specialist or doctor. These are just posts about what we experience in our own lives. And I always say information is powerful. Welcome to our life. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

I grew up in a wonderful family with my mom, dad and three sisters. I'm the third out of four. We grew up on a dairy farm and then a hobby farm. I will always have the farm girl in me lol. I met my husband at 16 going on 17 he was 20. We dated for 4 years parted ways for about 6 months then came back together for 4 more years before we got married in 2002. We bought a house in my home town before the wedding and we are still in our little house. My husband never had that hometown place growing up and the 14 years we have lived here is the longest he has ever lived in one place so I will probably never get him to move. Lol.
6 months after our wedding we were expecting our first child, he came on his due date the following Dec.  our lives changed forever. I was totally in love. It wasn't always easy but we made it through, my other blogs will talk about his ups and downs. 4.5 years later our beautiful daughter came into our lives she completed our family.  We have a dog who my children adore. I work part time as a hairstylist in the basement of our home and my husband works as a team lead in a factory. Our children attend different schools as our son goes to a school away from our town to get the education he needs. Life can be very busy and crazy but at the end of the day we are always all together. This is a little background of our little family. More to come with every post.  ðŸ’• It's not always an easy life but it's ours and we make it work together. 💜


  1. �� and we love you!!❤


  2. Oh my first comment and what a nice one. Thanks Penny, i feel the same about all of you!!
