Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a condition caused by injury to the parts of the brain that control our ability to use our muscles and bodies. There are different types of Cerebral Palsy. Our son has hemiplegia cp, which effects his right side, so the damage in his brain is in the left side. I explain it to people as he had a stroke its easier for people to understand. We dont know when the damage happened before he was born, or during delivery. We had a lot of issues that we didn't know till after, cord around neck three times, clots on my placenta and it had stopped working well before he was born, starving him. Things no one could of known.  He doesn't use his right arm/hand at all, his right leg is weaker then his left and he wears a leg brace on it. His right side doesn't grow like the left so his hand and foot are much smaller as well. Many people with cp are very tight in their muscles but our son isn't he is really loose I would describe it as floppy. Which it makes it hard to get his arm through long sleeve shirts etc. He does mostly dress himself except socks are tricky. Zippers, buttons and tying shoe laces aren't something you can do with only one useful hand. He is able to do most bathroom duties himself except needs help with toilet issues, we are working on this and hope some day he will be totally independent in that way. Eating he is fairly independent but much prefers meals that he can eat with his hands eg: sandwiches, cheeseburgers etc. He does well with forks and spoons but it takes a long time. Solids and liquids together are difficult to eat because it's hard for him to chew and swallow together. His speech has been effected as well and still goes to speech therapy but to most they can understand him fully just working on his r,s,th someday he'll get them down pat. He also has epilepsy, a cognitive delay, some vision issues, auditory processing disorder and seperation and social anxiety all which I'll explain in other posts. All these things seem like a big deal to most but we are just so thankful to have him, he had no heart beat when he was born, we thought we had lost him then but he's a fighter, they said he wouldn't walk but he does, he likes to prove us all wrong. It's easy to look at all the negative and never move on but we choose to look at the positive and go forward. He talks, walks, reads, writes, laughs, and loves with all his heart ❤️ maybe not the "normal" way but his way. He has CP but the doesn't define him. He is an amazing, loving, funny boy and I'm so proud to have him as my son. He is who he is and I wouldn't change that for the world. I always say information is powerful. So this is what my blogs will be about information for everyone so we all can be accepting of ALL people.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing. Very interesting to learn more about this and what an amazing boy you have and the love that you both share❤
