Friday, February 9, 2018

Self First

It's not easy for me to post these pics. It took a lot of self care before being ready to show where I was, and where I'm going.

Its been awhile since I have posted on the blog. Things have been a bit crazy. We now have another diagnosis with our son which I'll talk about in another post. However the best thing is I've been focusing on me. For once I have put myself first haha who am I kidding, no mom totally puts them self first, but the first time in my life, I'm taking care of myself properly. 

With diet and exercise. A total life change not just for me but for this family and the people around me too. I'm happier, more positive and have so much more energy. I think I'm a better mom and wife. I no longer struggle to keep up. 

Well doing this I started working out. Doing on demand home workouts and I stick with it. I also have become a coach and have started helping others, I have a long way to go but it's fun and I have to be accountable.  There is so much support through my group. 

I realized at some point if I don't take care of me how am I ever going to be able to take care of the most important people in my life. I have always been the big one of my family, have always struggled with my weight. I am addicted to food and know how those people on My 600 Pound Life get the way they are, by eating and filling a void with food. I got up to 222lbs before I realized what I was doing to myself. I have never felt good enough to take care of me, never felt I was worth it, blaming my self for the things that were going wrong, always putting everyone before myself. 

The funny thing is by doing this, I have changed, and unfortunately some people don't like the new me. I can't help how they feel I can only be true to myself, and if that means losing some friends while maybe they weren't my friends in the first place. 

So I'm down 40 lbs, I'm stronger, happier and showing my kiddies you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Hopefully I can help and inspire more people to be the best they can be too..

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