Thursday, April 6, 2017


Being a parent of a special needs child, is not always an easy life, but I'm thankful everyday to have him.
Being a wife isn't always an easy life, but I'm always thankful to have a best friend.
Being a momma isn't always easy but I wouldn't have it any other way and I'm thankful to have such amazing kids.

Life isn't always easy, but we seem to get through it even at the worse times. I talk a lot about what's going on here and maybe come off as a Debbie Downer, or maybe you feel sorry for us, but please dont.

Our children are the greatest gift god could of ever given us. Our son is our angel.  He told me once when I asked him how I got so lucky to have him that he picked me from the clouds, he was in the clouds and saw me and wanted me to be his Mommy.  I truly believe I was given this amazing child for a reason.  Maybe to make people aware of disabilities, maybe to challenge me, but truly to make me a better person.

I often wonder if he was perfectly fine, if my husband and I would still be married?? He has made us both stronger, and closer because we are the only two who really "GET IT" and understand it. Family doesn't totally get it, friends dont either, but the two of us understand what we both go through all the ups and downs and that we can count on each other

So even on the worse of days I'm thankful to have the litttle family I have, and you know what, in the end, the day will end and a new one starts. We can do a lot if we take the time to be thankful, even if its a tiny little thing be thankful for what you have and hold on to that and you'll move to the next day and may be thankful for more.

Love and Thankfulness

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